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Is This Real Freedom?

Posted by Arshad Gamiet on Monday, March 28, 2011, In : Islam and Politics 
The following Khutbah was given in Britian (Something to ponder over):

I recently visited South Africa, where Muslims have lived as a tiny minority (less than 5%) for over 300 years. For the first 150 years, Islam was a banned religion in that country, and if you were caught trying to convert others to Islam, you faced the death penalty. Even when Islam was legally recognised, Muslims were still treated as second class citizens. For the next 150 years, they could not vote until Nelson Mandela ...

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A Moment of Reflection on Natural Disasters

Posted by Rafik Nkata on Friday, March 18, 2011, In : Society 
On Friday March 11, 2011 who did not witness over the news or via any other media source the wreckage and damage caused by the recent earthquake and tsunami which struck Japan?

But we could ask why do such things happen at a particular place, affecting a certain community or country, and not others? Indeed, these disasters are tests for one’s faith and patience. These disasters also call upon us to self-reflect and remind us not to do things against the teachings of Allah or are destructive ...
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Posted by Yusuf Abdallah Mdala on Tuesday, February 22, 2011, In : Books 
Israel , country in southwestern Asia, formed in 1948 as a Jewish state in the historic region of Palestine, and located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Israel is bounded on the north by Lebanon, on the northeast by Syria, on the east by Jordan, and on the southwest by Egypt. Its southernmost tip extends to the Gulf of Aqaba, an arm of the Red Sea. Israel‟s isolated position as a Jewish state surrounded by Arab and predominantly Islamic countries has influenced nearly every a...

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An examination of factors leading to the inadequacy of teaching and learning materials in child care centres: a case of mangochi and zomba urbans (Malawi)

Posted by Yusuf Abdallah Mdala on Tuesday, February 22, 2011, In : Research Papers 
©Yusuf Abdallah Mdala 2009     

Page and Thomas (1977) define Child Care Centres (CCCs), also known as Day Care Centres in U.S.A., as institutions that provide pre-primary education or nursery classes (p.63). In this study, the phrase CCC has been used to refer to those places or nursery schools where under-five children are cared and taught pre-primary education. Developmental psychology research has shown that it is during the early years of life that the development of intelligence, aff...

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Bahrain unrest: Protesters enter symbolic Pearl Square

Posted by ABM Productions on Saturday, February 19, 2011, In : News 

Thousands of anti-government protesters in Bahrain have resumed an occupation of Pearl Square, the focal point of protests in the capital Manama.

Jubilant protesters returned after riot police fired tear gas and shotgun rounds before withdrawing. Reports say some 60 people may have been injured.

The army, which guarded the square after using deadly force to clear it on Thursday, was earlier ordered out.

Bahrain's crown prince is holding initial talks with opposition parties.

They include the main...

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Egypt rejoices at Mubarak departure

Posted by ABM Productions on Saturday, February 12, 2011, In : News 

Mr Mubarak stepped down as leader on Friday, after 18 days of widespread anti-government demonstrations.

The country is now in the hands of the high command of the armed forces, headed by the defence minister.

US President Barack Obama called Egypt an inspiration, but said it must now move to civilian and democratic rule.

Demonstrators in central Cairo continued to celebrate the departure of Mr Mubarak into the night, dancing, chanting slogans and singing songs.

While many continue to enjoy the m...

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Invitation to Get-Together

Posted by Chiradzulu Sec. Sch. MSA on Saturday, February 5, 2011, In : Society 
We hope that this message finds you while enjoying Allah’s blessings.

As part of its ongoing activities of strengthening faith and Islamic brotherhood, Chiradzulu Secondary School Muslim Students Association has organized a get-together that will take place as follows:
     Date           : Saturday, 19th February, 2011
     Time           : 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
     Theme        : The Role of Muslim Youth in the Contemporary Society
     Venue        : Chiradzulu Secondary School Hall

We regr...

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The stand of Islam regarding terrorism

Posted by ABM Productions on Friday, February 4, 2011, In : Islam and Politics 

Unfortunately more and more often, Islam has been associated with terrorism and violence due to the actions of a few extreme individuals who’ve taken it upon themselves to do the most heinous crimes in the name of Islam.

Tragic events such as the attack on the twin towers in New York, the bombings of Bali, Madrid and London are assumed to be justified by Islam in the minds of some people. This idea has been fueled further by many media channels which defame Islam by portraying ...

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'Day of departure' rally in Egypt

Posted by ABM Productions on Friday, February 4, 2011, In : News 

There is an increased army presence in Cairo's Tahrir Square, after unrest that has led to hundreds of casualties.

After Friday prayers were held in a relaxed atmosphere, the crowd started chanting for Mr Mubarak to go.

Mr Mubarak has said he is "fed up" with being in power but is resisting mounting pressure to resign as he says it would leave Egypt in chaos.

In his first interview since anti-government protests began, he told ABC News he would like to resign immediately. But he repeated that th...

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New Developments on Egypt's Unrest

Posted by Muhammad Maulidi on Friday, February 4, 2011, In : News 
The attorney general has issued an order of stopping former defense minister, former tourism minister, businessman and former general policy organizing in the ruling party from leaving the country until all inquiries are over and freeze their bank accounts , the mentioned personnel tried to go out of the country what described by others as running away from persecutions. Read more...

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Posted by Abu Ayyub Al Ansari on Wednesday, February 2, 2011, In : News 
"O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he (SAW) calls you to that which will give you life, and know that Allah comes in between a person and his heart (i.e. He prevents an evil person to decide anything). And verily to Him you shall (all) be gathered.(8:24)

It seems that the world is finally waking up. Across the Muslim world, it is apparent that people have had enough of their current regimes i.e. puppets of the west, and a change is necessary. But the que...

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The Doctrine of Trinity: Monotheism or Polythesm?

Posted by Yusuf Abdalallah Mdala on Sunday, January 30, 2011, In : Comparative Religion 
Monotheism, a firm tenet of Muslims and Jews, refers to the belief in the unity of, or in one God. Because they believe the doctrine of the Trinity to be incompatible with monotheism, some groups of Christians reject Trinitarianism in favor of Unitarianism.

Monotheism is opposed to polytheism, the belief in the existence of many gods or divine beings. It has been widespread in human cultures, past and present, and has taken many forms. Natural forces and objects—celestial, atmospheric, and e...

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Islam: The Universal Religion

Posted by Yusuf Abdallah Mdala on Thursday, January 27, 2011, In : Society 
Islam is one of the three major world religions, along with Judaism and Christianity, which professes monotheism or the belief in a single God.

In the Arabic language, the word Islam is a verbal noun originating from a trilateral root s-l-m, and is derived from the Arabic verb Aslama, which means “to accept,” “to surrender” or “to submit”— thus Islam means acceptance of and submission to the will of God — believers (Muslims) must demonstrate this by worshiping Him, following h...

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Love your Masjid

Posted by Sister  Amanah Khalid on Thursday, January 27, 2011, In : Poems 

A shining light for all to see,
A symbol of truth through eternity.
A place of worship for divinity,
A symbol of strength to the community.

The place to unite and prayer together,
Rush too quickly regardless of weather.
I’m too busy to go.. Say this never,
Venture often to and at least endeavour.

Its doors are open, people go inside,
For all are welcome and in peace reside.
No raised voices of anger for you to collide,
Good etiquette and Manners you must abide.

Our beloved Mosque and second home,
A plac...

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On Criminalising Polygamy

Posted by Yusuf Abdallah Mdala on Wednesday, January 26, 2011, In : Society 
The press nowadays is funny. Articles about controversial issues seem to refuse to die. A few months ago, it was about quota system, then whether to legalise marriage at age sixteen or not, and then modification of the national flag; then it was polygamy, a form of marriage in which a person has more than one mate. The practice of polygamy includes polyandry, or marriage with more than one husband, as well as polygyny, the specific term for marriage with more than one wife.

Although it is prac...

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ABM Productions

Watch New, Feel New and Touch New Technology!!! ABM Productions is a non-profit making organisation with its offices and studios in Mangochi and Limbe/Chiradzulu districts in Malawi. Officially launched in April 2007, ABM Productions focuses primarily on the need to promote the spirit of watching and listening to Islamic audio-visual products, particularly among Malawian Muslim community as well as those beyond Malawi's borders.

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